If someone were to ask what a contractor needs to successfully build a house there would be a few components to consider. The answer would consist of one a plan, the proper tools and materials, and the knowledge and ability to build a house. Similarly the same components apply to being a successful student.

By selecting a career of a graphic designer/web designer and also pursuing a bachelor's degree I’ve put in action my plan to succeed. The past 12 years of school and the knowledge I’ve accumulated thus far has given me the ability to apply and be accepted into college. The last component needed to succeed is the proper tools and materials and this is where the Nathaniel M. Kirkland scholarship would significantly help in many ways.

Besides tuition, the expenses of being a college student are endless so much so that it's sometimes a deterrent and people who want to take that step count themselves out before they try. Whether it is a meal plan or a textbook everything about attending an university has a price. In my opinion the benefits outweigh the costs and in order to put myself in the best position, I’d like to be as prepared as possible. Having the Nathaniel M. Kirkland scholarship will open up several doors. Having the money to apply towards tuition to attend school or even just having the finances available to buy the books and supplies I need to pass a class would be a tremendous help.
So when asked what is the impact of the Nathaniel M. Kirkland scholarship on my education, the answer is the financial means to get the tools and materials needed for me to succeed in college and in pursuing my career as a Graphic Designer/Web designer.

I will be attending IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) in Fall 2018 as a communications, media, and graphic design major in the fall. After my years of college I will be starting my own creative design business where I teach students about web and graphic design as well as create ads and logos for companies. 

​- Khai Carter (Excerpts from personal statement)

Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholar: Khai Carter